Friday, November 9, 2012

'Tis a gift to be simple – relief society renewal

Last weekend, we had a relief society renewal that was about making life simple. Cynthia Nielsen gave a lesson about simplicity, and had some great points. Here are some of the points that she shared.
– Keep things simple to have time for goals.
– Simplicity is relative. But may be simple for somebody else, may be stressful or complicated for me, and vice versa.
– Ask for help before you need it. It's like staying on top of the pain when you in the hospital.
– Cynthia gave her husband credit for this one: the one and a half rule. Estimate the time and resources that it's going to take you to do something, and then times that by 1 1/2 to get the true time it will probably take.
– Busyness does not equal righteousness (Pres. Uchtdorf October 2012 Gen. Conference session)
– Sometimes we have to simplify our traditions when they get too complicated as the family grows.
– It's okay to have frozen pizza for Sunday dinner.
– We need to have the Spirit to be our curator to help us choose the most valuable things to focus on and to do.
– To evaluate the importance of an activity we need to first ask ourselves what is the priesthood and family reason for the activity?
– Don't worry about what other people are thinking. That is what often gets us into trouble.
– She recommends a book, but I cannot remember the exact name. Part of it is called "the quest for contentment".
– I thought this was funny – Cynthia pointed out that we women, with our corpus callosum, tend to be very good at multitasking but also very distractible. We have to reign in the distractions to actually get things done sometimes.

I am glad that I could go to the relief society renewal. It was a great time!

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