Friday, June 26, 2015


No. I do not sell Norwex. I do not care if you buy Norwex. But I will say I decided to try it recently, and so far I have been pleased. It is especially convenient for me since I have been potty training  my three-year-old. I keep one envirocloth in the bathroom to use cleaning up stinky boy pee that might leak from the potty chair or from the potty maker somehow. After I use it I just rinse it out well and then hang it to dry. I have been using it for a week and have cleaned up multiple spills and it still does not smell like pee. Obviously, I won't use it anywhere besides the bathroom floor/potty before I wash it, but supposedly you could clean up some pee, rinse the cloth well and then use it on your face or wherever. I think I would try it on someone else's face….

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